My teaching philosophy:
What are the inherent goals in teaching at he institutions of higher learning?
The Swiss / French philosopher Jeans-Jacques Rousseau (1754) stated that we are hunter-gatheres, with a state of child-like innocence having only basic norms. Graduallly, written literature, science, and philosophy changed the history of mankind's thinking. The Greek stoics proposed an ideal city, whereas the Roman stoics held that the good citizen is a "citizen of the world," arguing that people would be able to solve most of the problems if we face them in a wider context, beyond our narrow inheerent inclinations. However, the stoics advised that it was wise to give up local affiliations in historical contexts. In other words, the education of the Kosmos was closely connected to Socratic inquiry and the new goals came in for an examined life. In this mode of historical events in class discussions, we are required to reflect this philosophy of education about methodological and pedagogical issues. Teachers began to argue that there was a particular need to be aware of the background and nature of one's students to design the classroom methods to elicit the attainable positive aspect of critical participatory approach in delivering knowledge. I presume this ideal deserves to be explored in out prelude to teaching at the college / universities.